Principal, Sh Rajesh Rathore : JK Public School Kunjwani Jammu
Principal's Desk
Dear everyone
Heartiest greetings from JKPS!
Having faced the havoc of deadly virus for two years, it's my sheer delight to welcome you to the new academic session 2022-23 and look forward to an exciting year of new resolutions, activities, and achievements. The commendable milestones that we achieved in the previous years have to be accrued upon with a notch higher up this year. All the losses incurred must be compensated with a compound interest.
The success and sense of achievement will definitely propel us forward to excel. The cutting edge competition of today calls for a metamorphosis in Teaching-Learning pattern. The latest innovations envisioned by the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 will strengthen the transformational journey of each student and I’m sure it will add value and interest to the academic transactions in the class rooms also.
The basic concept of holistic education is the new three R’s which is Education for Relationships, Responsibility and Reverence for life. With continuous focus on holistic development, an institution owes its pride to its enlightened students, who on being groomed well; strengthen the society and the nation.
Along with this zeal to excel in Scholastic & Co-scholastic domains, we must not shun the path of ethical lineage. We, at JK Public School Jammu are resolute to make our students academically bright, physically robust and emotionally balanced on one hand; and responsible, resilient and righteous citizens of this great nation on the other. Let’s all strive to work in tandem and evolve ourselves as smarter, stronger, better, and together beings.
Let’s all make this educational endeavor a fruitful pursuit and respond appropriately to our yearly resolution: Education, Enlightenment & Excellence.
All the best for the entire year of new explorations ahead!!
With best wishes,
Rajesh Rathore